Zonta International Awards 36 Amelia Earhart Fellowships to Women In Aerospace Engineering and Space Sciences

OAK BROOK, Ill., June 15, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Zonta International recently awarded 36 women from 22 countries with the prestigious Amelia Earhart (AE) Fellowship for the 2021-2022 academic year. Chosen from 183 applicants worldwide, these women exhibited the most promise in advancing research in the field of aerospace.

Just 25% of the workforce in the aerospace industry consists of women. Zonta International’s AE Fellowship enables talented women from around the world, who are pursuing doctorate degrees in aerospace engineering and space sciences, to invest in state-of-the-art equipment to conduct their research, present their research at international conferences and participate in specialized studies.

2021 Amelia Earhart Fellows:

  • Rachel Axten, U.S., Pennsylvania State University
  • Stiliyana Bakalova, Bulgaria, Technical University of Sofia, Plovdiv Branch
  • Provence Barnouin, France, University of Oxford
  • Abigail Berhane, U.K., University of Cambridge
  • Michaela Brchnelova, Slovakia, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Sofia Medina Cassillas, U.S. and Spain, University of Cambridge
  • Elise Delhez, Belgium and Luxembourg, University of Liège & Polytechnique Montréa
  • Stefanie Düssler, Germany, Imperial College London
  • Shrouti Dutta, India, McGill University
  • Casey Eaton, U.S., The University of Alabama in Huntsville
  • Catalina Flores, Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello
  • Indujaa Ganesh, India, University of Arizona
  • Ariane Gayout, France, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
  • Christina Harvey, Canada, University of Michigan
  • Caroline Houriet, France and Switzerland, Delft University of Technology
  • Yashica Khatri, India, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Katie Koube, U.S., Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Dara Laczniak, U.S., Purdue University
  • Ekaterina Landgren, Russia, Cornell University
  • Elena Lupu, Romania, California Institute of Technology
  • Larissa Balestrero Machado, Brazil, Universität der Bundeswehr München
  • Madeline McMillan, U.S., Texas A&M University
  • Tara Mina, U.S., Stanford University
  • Aadhy Parthasarathy, India, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Laura Pernigoni, Italy, Politecnico di Milano
  • Amanda Rudolph, U.S., Purdue University
  • Maren Scheel, Germany, University of Stuttgart
  • Manuela Sisti, Italy, University of Oxford
  • Jenny Smith, U.S., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Preethi Rajendram Soundararajan, India, Universite Paris Saclay, Centrale Supelec
  • Christina Ayoe Toldbo, Denmark, Technical University of Denmark
  • Ha Tran, Vietnam, University of Auckland
  • Merel Vergaaij, Netherlands, University of Glasgow
  • Jamie Voros, Australia and U.S., University of Colorado Boulder
  • Lori Willhite, U.S., University of Maryland, College Park
  • Qing Xie, China PR, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Zonta honors these women as part of the legacy of Amelia Earhart, an American aviation pioneer and member of Zonta International.

"I am very proud that Zonta International took the amazing leap of faith in 1938 to initiate a fellowship for women in graduate studies in aerospace sciences. The caliber of the applicants each year has validated that leap of faith to promote women to become leaders in aerospace sciences and engineering," said Holly Anderson, former fellow and chairman of the Zonta International AE Fellowship Committee.

Zonta has awarded 1,674 AE Fellowships, totaling more than US$11 million, to 1,245 women from 75 countries. More information can be found at https://www.zonta.org/AEFellowship. Applications for the 2022 AE Fellowship will open in July.

Throughout its history, Zonta has awarded more than 3,000 educational fellowships, scholarships and awards through donations made to the Zonta Foundation for Women.

Zonta International (www.zonta.org) is a leading global organization of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. More than 28,000 members in 64 countries work together to make gender equality a worldwide reality for women and girls. Zonta International has provided more than US$46.3 million to empower women and girls and expand their access to education, health care, economic opportunities and safe living conditions.

Media Contact
Megan Radavich
+1 630-320-7072


SOURCE Zonta International

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