U.S. Selective Service Continues to Receive Accolades for its PSA Campaign

ARLINGTON, Va., Aug. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The U.S. Selective Service System (SSS) Public Service Announcement (PSA) campaign continues to garner industry recognition for its creative and engaging TV, radio, and online PSAs. The Agency’s PSAs have generated positive feedback for being sharp, witty, and providing an essential message about the importance of Selective Service registration. 

Awards include the AVA Platinum Award for video production; the Web Marketing Association’s Best Government Online Video Campaign, Best of Show for its public service announcements (PSAs); the Hermes Platinum PSA Awareness Campaign Award and the Hermes Gold website award; the Award of Excellence through the Communicator Awards; and the Telly Bronze award for the SSS PSA campaign. 

Judges represent all facets of advertising and have an in-depth understanding of the current state of art in marketing and advertising, design, and social media. They hail from some of the nation’s largest corporations, to include Google, Mastercard, IBM Interactive, and McCann Interactive. Winners in other categories include AT&T, Geico, UPS and Monster Beverage Corporation.

The SSS awareness campaign was developed to inform men 18 through 25 about the registration requirement.  It includes three English PSAs – Uncle Sam, Stronger America, and Barbershop, and a Spanish PSA linking to a refreshed website and new social media messaging. This campaign is designed to reach and inform young men and their influencers about the vital role registration plays in our national defense and in their lives. Registration fulfills a civic duty and is linked to benefits and opportunities that can be lost by failing to register.

"We’re delighted that the advertising industry recognized our PSA campaign for its creativity and messaging," said Acting SSS Director Craig Brown. "We appreciate that radio and TV stations and online providers have found the PSAs to be compelling.  Also, my teenagers and their friends said the ads were awesome."

The SSS partnered with Reingold, Inc., TV Access, and director Christopher G. Cowen to create attention-grabbing ads. The commercials struck a chord with the advertising and broadcast industry and young men alike, reinforcing the importance of registration. 

Federal law requires all male citizens, as well as male non-citizens residing in the U.S., to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. At 26, a man becomes too old to register. Those who do not comply are ineligible for numerous Federal funded benefits, job training, government employment, and U.S. citizenship for male immigrants.

For more information about Registration, the Selective Service, or to download our new Public Service Announcements, please call the Selective Service Public and Intergovernmental Affairs office at (703) 605-4103.

Media Contact:
Matthew Tittmann


SOURCE U.S. Selective Service System