WEBB CITY, Miss., Feb. 5, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As the President commits to getting children back to school this spring, children will once again experience the joys of recess with one caveat – No sharing. Due to COVID-19 restrictions and recommendations, the sharing of playground equipment in particular is discouraged especially in community areas with a higher spread of virus.

Peaceful Playgrounds, Inc. a leading educational company with innovative playground solutions has designed the perfect solution to counter this issue; a set of no equipment games and activities for recess. Games like switch, scramble, rock-paper-scissors are just a few of the popular activities that do not require equipment and can be conducted in a COVID Compliant Playground.
“Children will have more games to play and learn healthy activities that will get them physically active, something that has been difficult, with the many statewide Stay-At-Home orders.” according to Peaceful Playgrounds founder, Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer, a retired principal.
The equipment comes in two activity packs; preschool through K-2 and preschool through K-6. The Preschool through K-6 activity pack includes two layouts for a small space or activity zone. The activities can be played on any playground and work nicely with the COVID-Playground since they were being developed so that no equipment is required. This set of digital files represents 252 activity cards consisting of 16 sets of cards. The card sets include brain breaks, exercise cards and yoga cards etc. for students to indulge in those activities without violating the COVID guidelines. Both the COVID Activity Cards and Distancing Playground comply with CDC COVID recommendations.
Peaceful Playgrounds, Inc. is the leading elementary school recess solution in America. With programs in over 8000 schools across the nation, Peaceful Playgrounds has won numerous awards for playground safety, reducing conflicts, increasing children’s physical activity levels and reducing playground injuries for the last 21 years. Peaceful Playgrounds strives to teach children to “Play Nice” so that all children enjoy recess. Peaceful Playgrounds enhances learning, prevents bullying and promotes positive social interactions on the playground.
- Learn more at COVID Compliant Activities and Distancing Playground: https://peacefulplaygrounds.com/covid-19-distancing-playground/
- VIDEO: COVID Complaint Playground: https://youtu.be/9Tsk-RKGcgY
- IMAGE link for media: https://peacefulplaygrounds.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/K-6-No-Equipm-REV-1-2021.jpg
Dr. Melinda Bossenmeyer / Founder
SOURCE Peaceful Playgrounds, Inc.