SALEM, Mass., June 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Science curriculum in some schools has come a long way from rote memorization and lectures. In fact, today’s Next Generation Science Standards are transforming science classrooms across the United States, welcoming in better test results, teaching practices and professional development opportunities along the way.
“We know that not every teacher has access to ample professional development opportunities, we also know that in-house peer-to-peer training can make a real difference when it comes to understanding and implementing new science standards,” said KnowAtom CEO and founder Francis Vigeant. “All of this supports authentic student discovery and ensures every student has the opportunity to learn as a scientist and every teacher a skillful facilitator helping develop students’ thinking skills.”
Recent research on KnowAtom’s professional development and K-8 NGSS science curriculum was highlighted in “The Effects of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) on Teaching Practices: An Instrumental Case Study” Presented to Northeastern University’s to School of Education by Dr. Tracy L. Waters.
Researcher’s key findings found the transition of elementary and middle school classrooms to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) with KnowAtom resulted in improved test scores and classroom behavior, expanded academic vocabulary and collaboration among students, transformed teaching practices and beliefs about science education, and expanded access to trusted professional development. Designed for three-dimensional learning, the standards recognize that “science—and therefore science education—is central to the lives of all Americans.”
To that end, KnowAtom partners with elementary and middle school science classrooms to support the adoption of the new NGSS standards and increase student engagement and depth of understanding.
A recent KnowAtom blog post showcases the benefits of inquiry-based science education for students and teachers alike.
With its focus on hands-on learning, KnowAtom partners with school districts to provide grade specific NGSS curriculum and create a network of in-house professional development specialists who can help their peers update teaching methods, engage students in thinking moves, and transform the science classroom from “learning about” to one of figuring out how phenomena works.
About KnowAtom: KnowAtom makes real science and engineering possible in every K-8 classroom. We provide a complete K-8 solution designed for mastery of the Next Generation Science Standards: fully aligned curriculum, integrated hands-on materials and targeted professional development. Our research-based, classroom-tested tools and techniques develop students as thinkers, bringing students’ own ideas to life with hands-on materials and technology.
To learn more, visit or call 617-475-3475.
Media Contact:
Francis Vigeant