BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 31, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Jonas Tellis of Birmingham presents Educational Services back to school rally taking place Saturday, July 17, 2021. The rally will support many students taking part in summer classes with orientations starting on July 17, 2021.
During the rally, Jonas Tellis of AAMU hopes to pass out 200 book bags filled with school supplies. So, they are seeking the help of everyone to make this become a reality. Tellis educational services are asking for donations through money order or cash app.
Donations can be made through
When going back to school, kids need all the support they can get. But as we all know, many parents find it hard to provide everything for their kids and all the school supplies they need. In the usual tradition of Tellis Educational Services, they are organizing this rally to show the kids that society cares about them and supports their efforts.
Providing kids with educational materials and supplies will help them improve in their studies. School bags, notebooks, pencils, pens, school bags, scissors, tape, and glue may look insignificant, but they play a significant role in helping kids achieve their goal during the school year.
The rally is also a way of promoting education’s ideals and value as a tool for community and social development. It offers everyone an opportunity to play their role in moving society forward by donating their resources and materials, and cash to help kids in need.
Jonas Tellis Educational Services thanks all its supporters who have been donating to help them achieve their humanitarian and philanthropic goals. There is always more everyone can do, especially when many people have been hit with job loss and other economic challenges. Kids need to be taken seriously and considered first in almost everything because they are the future of tomorrow. Supporting them to have quality education is an investment in their future and the security of society.
Supporters can also purchase school supplies and drop them off at the hosting location:
Lovejoy Ministries
6321 2nd Ave S
Birmingham, AL 35212
Donating in person will be at the class location Friday (5:45pm-7:00pm) Saturday (1:00pm-5:00pm) and Sunday (1:00pm-3:00pm).
For more information about Jonas Tellis Educational Services, please visit
+1 205-545-0461
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About Jonas Tellis
Dr. Jonas Tellis, a native of Birmingham, Alabama. He is the CEO of Tellis Educational Services and serves on its board of directors. He is responsible for all recruitment and marketing events for the graduate department. He also assists with the retention of graduate students at Alabama A&M University and has an 85% success rate of returning students.
Media contact:
Jonas Tellis
SOURCE Tellis Educational Services