Following the Trail of a Massive Climate-Change Conspiracy: Author John D. Dorion Releases Investigative Nonfiction Title – ‘The Cyclical Climate: Deceit & Cover-Up’

MONTREAL, Aug. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — John Dorion announced the release of "The Cyclical Climate," an exploration of a global climate conspiracy that began in the 20th century and continues to this day. Written based on the investigative work of a curious scientist with no real ties to the climatology community, "The Cyclical Climate" uncovers a mystery over 120 years in the making. Dorion takes the reader on a journey through history following the clues to discover a massive climate change hoax that has now evolved into an unquestioned climate change narrative. "The Cyclical Climate" is intended for a general audience and is available via Amazon in three editions: a premium color interior volume, a black and white paperback, and a Kindle book

"We have definitively proven that the idea behind cataclysmic climate change is false, based on outright lies by a specific group of cabal climatologists," said Dorion. "I am happy that Bryan discovered these cyclical climate variations because he has no real skin in the game. He is an outsider to climate science, and neither a climate supporter, a denier, or a climate skeptic. He’s simply pointing out a very real, very natural cycle."

Synopsis, From the Intro: Presenting the results of a 20-year investigation conducted by the founder and president of a scientific research center, Bryan uncovers a massive scientific misconduct with its genesis in the 1980s and perpetrated by a cabal of smart but dishonest climatologists.

"In 2020, Bryan discovered cyclical climate variations by combining two temperature graphs, one published in 1975 by the National Research Council of the U.S. National Academy of Science with another of statistics published by the Climatic Research Unit in 1913. Why this 38-year gap? Because the 1975 report was approved by the most trusted scientific source in climatology – evidence difficult to overlook or reject by anyone. In this way, Bryan could prove that the CRU statistics between 1940 and 1970 were falsified in favor of the anthropogenic narrative."

"With two other periods of deceit and cover-up also detailed by Bryan’s investigation, after 40 years, this initial lie has snowballed into today’s climate scare. To cover-up their shenanigans, these climatologists have rigged the global temperature statistics of the 1940­­–1970 period, removing the real temperature data of this cooling interval and replacing it with a 30-year relatively steady climate. Thus, the two consecutive warming periods 1910–1940 and 1970–2000 of the cyclical climate have been added up, creating the illusion of global warming."

"When we try to understand this scientific fraud, we must remember that we are dealing with highly qualified scientists. If these people decide to deceive us, basically, we have no way of knowing if they have modified the temperature statistics. Yet sometimes we can do that because we have the Wayback Machine back-ups. Bryan discovered the shenanigans by comparing the graphs with their temperature datasets and with each other, and also by connecting the dots over the 20-year history of the graphs displayed by CRU on its website."

For more information on the book or the research involved, please address all inquiries via email.

Media Contact

John Dorion 
1 (438) 833-8853

SOURCE John D. Dorion