LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Fayette County Public Schools, Kentucky’s second largest school district, has partnered with BloomBoard to launch the Foundations for Blended Learning Program across 12 of its high asset schools. The micro-credential-based program is designed to support educators in delivering high-quality blended instruction with a focus on equity and inclusion, and will also benefit educators who seek to earn a rank change.

“With COVID-19 cases on the rise across the state, our district continues to operate in a full distance learning environment. Building the capacity of our teachers and ensuring quality instruction for every student is a top priority for us,” said Kate McAnelly, Chief Academic Officer of Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS). “The Foundations for Blended Learning Program provides our educators with the coaching and support needed to successfully demonstrate competency in the areas we believe are critical to effective blended instruction.”
Developed in partnership with best-selling author, blended learning expert, and Founder and President of Ready to Blend, Heather Staker, the Foundations for Blended Program consists of a set of micro-credentials focused on the competencies necessary to meaningfully shift educator practice toward a blended approach to instruction, as well as virtual coaching and facilitation from a blended instruction expert. FCPS will begin the first phase of the program this month with a subset of high asset schools across the district. Instructional specialists from the 12 schools will partner with a classroom teacher to complete the six micro-credentials that make up BloomBoard’s Foundations for Blended Learning micro-endorsement along with two additional micro-credentials focused on equity and inclusion. The district plans to expand the program in the spring to build teacher leaders in additional schools across the district.
“I am excited to help bring the professional learning opportunities that BloomBoard has to offer to FCPS,” said Emmanuel Caulk, Superintendent of FCPS. “My blueprint for student success included plans to enhance professional learning in ways that would allow our staff to earn credentials and progress through the career ladder. BloomBoard is helping FCPS to meet that goal, while also providing an excellent blended learning program to support our teachers, which has been pushed to the forefront of instruction due to COVID-19.”
As an added incentive, completion of the Foundations for Blended Learning micro-endorsement will count towards the Kentucky Educational Development Corporation’s (KEDC), Foundations in Teaching and Learning Education program, which has been approved by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) as a continuing education option for rank change. This rank advancement option is a cost-effective alternative to earning a Master’s degree and requires educators to earn a set of micro-credentials aligned to Kentucky Teacher Standards, engage in a structured mentorship program, and complete a unifying capstone project.
“The opportunity to demonstrably improve blended instruction while gaining access to a flexible and affordable rank change option is a win-win for FCPS educators,” said Sanford Kenyon, CEO of BloomBoard. “Our partnership with KEDC has enabled us to provide the state’s teachers with micro-credential based professional growth aligned to their district’s needs, while also earning rank change and salary advancement in the process, via KEDC’s state-approved Continuing Education Option (CEO). We are excited about this new program and the opportunity we are partnering to create for FCPS’s educators.”
To learn more about KEDC’s rank change program and how Fayette County Public Schools is implementing the Foundations for Blended Learning program, register for a free webinar on Thursday, November 19th at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8932847390737237007?source=pr
For more information about BloomBoard’s Foundations for Blended Learning program, visit https://bloomboard.com/resource/effective-blended-instruction/
About Fayette County Public Schools
The mission of Fayette County Public Schools is to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society. To meet this goal, we will provide excellent student opportunities, excellent staff, excellent schools, excellent supports, and excellent relationships. For more information, visit fcps.net.
About BloomBoard
Founded in 2010, BloomBoard is leading the shift from professional development to educator advancement via micro-certification. The company partners with states and districts to enable a unique online learning experience where educators improve their instructional practice and advance in their careers by earning micro-credentials. BloomBoard aims to help all organizations transition to meaningful, purpose-driven educator development and advancement based on measurable certification. For more information, visit bloomboard.com.
SOURCE BloomBoard