LOS ANGELES, Jan. 22, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As the nation enters its eleventh month of living with the COVID-19 pandemic, college and graduate students struggle with heightened levels of isolation, frustration, and disappointment as they attempt to navigate the academic school year. These feelings can be especially intense for freshmen looking forward to experiencing college life, and for upper-divisions students hoping to take advantage of research and field-work experiences.

Adjusting to the new normal is especially difficult when deciding on housing given the unknown nature of each college’s plans for reopening in-person classes. For many, the loss of income from the lack of jobs has led to increased debt – particularly for students relying on work-study financial aid funding. Keeping on-task when taking asynchronous classes (i.e., not in real time) has led many into debilitating procrastination and fear that catching up is not realistic. Most commonly, students express extreme difficulty staying engaged and struggle to access on campus resources, maintain a healthy diet, sleep, and exercise – all of which support a successful college experience.
To be clear, colleges and universities have done a pretty good job of transitioning academic programs to online instruction in record speed so that students can safely attend classes. Some students have even expressed a benefit to being able to study at their own pace, which allows them to put greater focus on areas they find more difficult. Faculty and teaching assistants offer online office hours, and Student Affairs and Academic Counselling have created online opportunities for students to engage socially or attend academic tutoring clinics. The challenge is for college and graduate students to learn to take advantage of these offerings.
BeyondAdmissions ™’s virtual coaching sessions model successful online interactions and help breakdown misconceptions about the ability to build deep connections through a computer screen. Students gain the confidence to locate and participate in online support clinics, academic clubs, academic office hours, and online study sessions with classmates. Whether it is during a global pandemic or once college resumes in-person classes, the key to supporting college and graduate students rests on cultivating new ways to resolve issues through informed decision making, effective communication, and self-awareness.
For more information about BeyondAdmissions ™ and its services please visit BeyondAdmission.com.
Press Contact: Dr. Joanne Valli-Meredith
Phone: 323.312.5838
Website: https://www.beyondadmissions.com/
SOURCE BeyondAdmissions, Inc.